Hayah Study Guide

Click here to access the World Affairs Council Study Guide
Click here to Access the Plan for Spring Break.
Academic World Quest
· Current events: Title of “big” issues and a paragraph on each.
· Great Decisions: One topic per week. A page on each.
· Listening to music samples (Karim needs to set the amount)
· Presentations, according to schedule (ten minutes each), and summary on the topic to hand out.
· Each student should have read all the topics that will be discussed that week.
· Quiz on the above.
· Comment on quiz performance (speed, tactics (2 colored pens..) results..)
Week 1:
· The Sultanate of Oman
The Indian Ocean in World History – www.indianoceanhistory.org
o Please use the WorldQuest study guide which can be found in Learning Tools on
the horizontal toolbar. Click on the Worldquest link to find the downloadable
study guide for this site.
· The Caribbean Islands
Institute of Commonwealth Studies - Caribbean Online - Routes to Roots
o Read through the entire exhibit by pressing “Next Room”
· World Cup
Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) –“Classic Football”
o Read everything under the “History” tab
· Genocide
Genocide Watch http://www.genocidewatch.org/aboutgenocide.html
o Review the Genocide Convention under “About Genocide”
Week 2
· The Sultanate of Oman
Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center – Go to the Frankincense and Myrrh page:
· The Caribbean Islands
The Caribbean Guide http://caribbean-guide.info/past.and.present/
o Read all tabs under Caribbean Past and Present on left of page
· Food Production and Consumption
USDA Report What the 2008/2009 World Economic Crisis Means for Global Agricultural
· International Migration Trends
The United Nations Populations Division “International Migration Report 2006: A Global
o Read Executive Summary and Part One of this report
Week 3
· The Sultanate of Oman
Omanet: The Sultanate of Oman’s official website maintained by the Ministry of
Information – www.omanet.om .
o All questions will come from the Culture and Economy tabs on the main menu,
the horizontal menu bar running across the top of the page.
· World Music
National Geographic Music - http://worldmusic.nationalgeographic.com
o “Music A-Z” tab “Regions”- Study the material and listen to the sound clips
under each world region (not country) listed.
o “Music A-Z” tab “Genres” -Have a general knowledge of the genres listed
· Genocide
Peace Pledge Union http://www.ppu.org.uk/genocide/g_genocide_intro.html
o Study the history of each genocide listed
· Pandemics
Center for Disease Control – Malaria http://www.cdc.gov/malaria/basics.htm
o Study everything under “About Malaria”, “Prevention” under “Control and
Prevention”, “Geographic Distribution”, “History”, and “Impact”.
Week 4:
· The Sultanate of Oman
The Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman, Washington DC. www.omaninfo.us.
o Questions will come from the Sites links on the right side of the homepage.
· World Cup
FIFA South Africa 2010 http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/index.html
o Study everything under the “Previous FIFA World Cups” tab
o Under the “Tournament” tab, study “Qualifiers” to have a general idea of the
competition format
o Have a general knowledge of the teams distribution throughout the world,
shown on the maps under “Teams”
· Pandemics
World Health Organization http://www.who.int/topics/influenza/en/
o Under General Information, study, “Fact Sheet on Influenza”, “Fact Sheet on
Avian Influenza” and “Ten Things You Need to Know about Pandemic
Week 5:
· The Sultanate of Oman
Oman Tourism Portal. http://www.omantourism.gov.om/wps/portal/tourism. This is
Oman’s tourism authority, the Ministry of Tourism website.
o Questions will come from the About tab on the homepage.
· World Music
World Music Network- http://www.worldmusic.net/wmn/news/features
o Look through and sample each genre listed.
· Genocide
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
o Review the history of genocide on the international stage under the What is
Genocide? tab as well as each modern case study under the Who is at Risk? tab.
· Pandemics
Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
o Read Chapter Two of the 2008 Global Report
Week 6:
· The Caribbean Islands
The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
“Preliminary Overview of the Caribbean: 2008-2009”
· World Cup
BBC Sports World Cup History http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport3/worldcup2002/hi/history/default.stm
o Study everything under “The Full Story”, “Hansen’s Legends” and “Classic
· Food Production and Consumption
Food and Agricultural Organization http://www.fao.org
o “World Agriculture 2030: Main findings” –
o “The State of Food Insecurity in the World” Pages 8-13
o “Half a Century of Food and Agriculture” – be aware of the general trends
mentioned in the report
· International Migration Trends
Migration Policy Institute Data Hub http://www.migrationinformation.org/DataHub/
o World Migration Map -Students should study the information for each country
available on map.
o Global City Migration Map -Study the information on the 18 cities with
1,000,000 or more
o The Global Remittances Guide- be familiar with all material here
Week 7:
· Test on first FIVE topics
· 20 minute lecture on “important” topic of our choice
Week 8:
· Test on second Five topics
· 20 minute lecture on “important” topic of our choice
· Second session with Full quiz